Orchard Center Elementary School Home
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Spirit Week: March 31 - April 4
Spirit Week is March 31 - April 4!
Monday, March 31: Sports Day
Tues, April 1: Class Color Day
Weds, April 2: Wacky Day
Thurs, April 3: Tacky Tourist Day
Fri, April 4: Pajama Day
Monday, March 31: Sports Day
Tues, April 1: Class Color Day
Weds, April 2: Wacky Day
Thurs, April 3: Tacky Tourist Day
Fri, April 4: Pajama Day

Spring Break: April 7 - 11
There is No School April 7 - 11 for Spring Break. We hope all of our families have a fun and safe Spring Break!

Yearbooks on Sale Now!
Yearbooks are on sale now through April 23 for $15. Order online and use code YBKC0278. Yearbook envelopes will be sent home the week of January 21.

Kindergarten Registration open for 2025-26
Kindergarten Registration is now open for the 2025-26 school year. Students must be five years old by August 31 for the fall term. Click on to register or for more information.

Virtual Lost & Found
We now have a Virtual Lost & Found that will be updated weekly. Please take a moment to look through lost items.

Late Start Fridays
Every Friday (except the last day of school) is a Late Start Friday. School begins at 10 am.

Cold Weather Guidelines
With colder weather approaching, we want to remind our families of our Cold Weather Guidelines. Please click to read guidelines.
West Valley Schools by the Numbers
12 Schools
37 Buses
135,978 Riders
5 CTE Pathways
367 2022 Graduates
535 Employees
2,970 Students